Tuesday, 5 November 2013

BTPT: Nature Walk Flower Bracelets

Been There, Pinned That, Changed My Life:
Nature Walk Flower Bracelets

I have girly girls. They enjoy the pretty things in life, including anything pink, frilly, sparkly, pearly and flowery. Especially flowery. This means our early morning walks will always take a while. Whilst there is running and jumping, there is more skipping, and singing, and dawdling. We stop often, to smell the roses…. and the daisies....and the buttercups....and to blow the dandelions.


It can be tempting to rush this gentle unpretentious innocence that we adults simply no longer have time for, and I sadly often do. Our hustly-bustly lives means we were meant to be out the door for the walk to school five minutes ago, and time just does not wait for flowers. 

But  every now and then along will come a Saturday morning walk, when we have nowhere to be and the sun is shining, and just for a moment, life is easy.

I always find myself with a pocket of treasures, carefully picked just for me. And I never do them justice, these precious jewels, these tiny little parts of my daughters’ hearts, symbols of "I love you Mummy". 

Until I found this pin that allowed me to add a touch of girly magic to our walks, and earn a "Super Mummy Star". To proudly display the treasures we find.

  • Take thick clear packing tape.
  • Turn it inside out, wrap around wrist and stick one end to the other
  • Place any treasures you find onto the sticky side.
  • Wear your pretty “jewellery” proudly.
  • If you wanted to, set a theme for the bracelet.
    • Only use a particular colour (of course, it will probably be pink!)
    • Or make a rainbow - one flower of each colour
    • Make a pattern from the flowers
    • Do a scavenger hunt
      • a green leaf
      • a brown leaf
      • a feather
      • an open flower
      • a closed flower
      • a twig
      • a grass

It is oh so simple, and we now do it every chance we have. The girls know that it means, if for this moment in time, they have permission to take as long as they need.

What do you think of this Pinterest project? Have you done anything similar? Why not try it and share your results with us here….

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