Tuesday, 29 October 2013

All the Stories Matter: Eyes Wide Open

Eyes Wide Open




The sunlight tiptoed through the cracks in the blinds and across the floor into the bedroom, where it gently shook the sleeping mother awake. Her eyes fluttered slowly, taking in her surroundings. She pulled the plump freshly laundered duvet up around her ears for one last goodbye snuggle before sitting up. Reaching over to her husband’s side and grasping empty bed, she instead pinched his pillow. It was quickly folded and shoved behind to prop herself up.


Over on her bedside table was a cup of tea, which her beloved had crept downstairs to place bedside her. It must have been recently as it was still steaming. From the kitchen, she could hear the clatter of pans, a loud bang followed by a choice word or two, the sizzle of bacon.  Pure delight wafted down the stairs and filled her nose. 

She could hear the Tuis making cries of joy as they feasted on nectar from the Kowhai tree outside her window. The chorus of a beautiful summer day was joined by the bell-like laughter of her daughters as they played “Ponies” happily in the playroom. She could hear the Pegasus was rescuing her sister the Unicorn from yet another baddie.  Team Ponies win again. The calming tick, tick and green light of the baby monitor reassured her; the baby was still asleep. No loud protests accompanied by angry red flashing lights were in sight yet.

As she sipped, warmth and liquid motivation filled her stomach, bringing with it a contemplation of the day ahead. A yoga class or a session on the treadmill? Or neither? After all, she didn’t really need it these days, having lost all that baby-weight.  But exercise did give her that feel-good buzz. She might text a friend for a walk and push the stroller around the neighborhood instead.  

Beside the now-empty teacup was a half-read novel she was enjoying. She considered the main character’s dilemma and whether she could wait to see what the eventual decision was.  Yes, she decided, she would find out tonight; read few chapters before going to bed. Hmmm a bubble bath might be in order too. She could practically feel the delicious warmth creeping up from her toes already relaxing each muscle fiber as it went.  Lithely she stretched her legs out and poking her toes out from under the covers, noticed a chip in her polish and though a quick touch up would be in order.

She reveled in the warm sun, before pushing back the covers with finality. She slipped on her satin robe and threw open the curtains. The sun raced into the room, exclaiming happily, "Good morning" to the world. Her daughters raced down the stairs and fell into her loving embrace. “Mummy, mummy we have a surprise for you! Come see” Her two year old couldn’t contain her excitement and blurted out. “We tidied the playroom all by ourselves.” Flanked by two pieces of her heart, she started up the stairs to her waiting breakfast…..

And then she woke up.


This is a bell. This bell belongs to Rowan.

Read more about what inspired our "all the stories matter" collaborations in creative writing here  and here.

What do you think of our stories ? Why not write one yourself inspired by this picture and share your results with us here….


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