Friday, 11 October 2013

Five Minute Friday - Ordinary

Today I'm joining up with a writing group over at Lisa- Jo Baker's called Five-Minute Friday where the idea is to write for five minutes flat on a prompt posted on her blog.
 Five Minute Friday 

It’s time to silence the inner critic.
It’s time to hush the voice that whines on and on about how you’re no good.
It’s time to cram out the distractions and excuses and take pen to paper, keyboard to screen and write.

This week’s prompt is “Ordinary.”


We are all just so ordinary. Ordinary people performing ordinary tasks on ordinary days. How is it that some people stand out, some tasks, events, days become more special than others? Do some perform these ordinary task with a little more sparkle, a little more finesse. Or is it that their attitude towards these tasks is better? An ordinary task can become extraordinary if you are excited to perform it.


Most days my day is very similar, but my attitude can vary widely, and that attitude spreads its influence over everything else. Some days I delight in being alive. That delight is then reflected in my children's eyes. And within that joy, we dance through the day together. That ordinary day becomes extraordinary.  Other days, my ordinary tasks are holding me back from greatness. Yet on those days, I never realize the greatness that comes from performing ordinary tasks. There is great value in being ordinary. That accepting being ordinary is in itself, extraordinary.



  1. Great thoughts! I especially like "greatness...comes from performing ordinary tasks". As a Mom we someimes forget that everything we do is extraordinary to someone. Thanks for sharing. I'm visiting from 5 minute Friday!

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Isn't it true that attitude makes all the difference in the world. We choose to be grumpy or happy and then with that choice we affect everyone around us. Great post!


